Jon Howland
Jon Howland is an engineer, a computer scientist, a programmer, a software specialist, a data systems coordinator. The skills he draws upon depend on the development task or design problem thrown his way, but in general, he’s targeted with autonomous system development. For the OTZ project, Jon has worked with the both the Deep-See and Mesobot imaging systems, selecting cameras and lighting that can grab images without affecting animal behavior. Additionally, Howland works to refine the tracking algorithm for Mesobot which will allow it to autonomously follow the vertical migrators, all the while collecting additional data about its environment.
Research Interests
Jon workw with underwater vehicles (cabled, manned, and autonomous), primarily in the areas of software, imaging, navigation, and data. His current projects include:
- Management and Coordination of Software and Data Systems for the National Deep Submergence Facility
- Primary responsibility for software used in the Jason ROV and the Alvin HOV
- Imaging and software systems on the Mesobot mid-water AUV