What I love about the exhibit is the way it conveys that feeling of beauty we, as scientists, have come to know... even if you’ve never heard of the ocean twilight zone before, you'll now feel curious about it. The intricate beauty, the colors, the designs — it just inspires a feeling of awe. I saw people just awestruck."
-Dr. Heidi Sosik, Lead Scientist and Biologist
Immerse yourself in the Ocean Twilight Zone at ARTECHOUSE
About the Ocean Twilight Zone project
In 2018, with funding from TED Audacious Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution embarked on an audacious journey to explore the ocean twilight zone. Over the past six years the Ocean Twilight Zone Project has advanced discovery and understanding of this remote yet vital ocean region. Along the way, we've showcased the weird and wonderful creatures that play a pivotal role in ocean ecosystems and global climate, raising awareness and enabling action by policymakers and the public.